C.V. of Dr. Iyad AL GHARIB

na me: AL GHARIB

First na me: Iyad
Date of birth: 01-03-1960
Nationality: Syrian

Official address: Departement of Geology, Faculty of Sciences
University of Damascus, Damascus-Syria
Home address: Rue Al hassan N 46 – Abou Roummaneh
Damascus - Syria

Home Tel.: 11-3335270 or 11-3326126 Mob.11-932916119
Command of langua ges: French-Fluent

Universities: degree year

University of Damascus B.Sc. 1983

University of Nice France D.E.A., Geochemistry 1988

University of Nice France Ph.D., Geochemisry of Radioactive Isotopes. 1992

Professional occupation:

-Research Assistant, department of Geology, University of Damascus, 1984-1986.
-Research Student, University of Nice (France). 1987-1992.
-Lecturer, department of Geology, University of Damascus, since 1992-2010.
PROFFISSOR Assistant, SINCE 2011

-Ambassador of (Reseau Mediterraneen UNITWIN-Chaires UNESCO sur les resources en Eau Developpement durable et Paix) in Syria, since 2001-till now.
-Member of International Organisation Committee of 5th Cannes water symposium 2003.

University teaching subjects:

*Geogical Mapping.
*General Geochemistry.
*Geochemistry of Radioactive Isotopes.
*Radioactive Isotopes in the water and sediment.


1) Sedimentation Rate in Aydat Lake, France, Geochemica Acta, (1992).
2) La production d’electricite a` partir des isotopes radioactives naturel d’ Uranium 238 et 235, Nouvelles scientifique, (1994).
3) Uranium and Thorium in the rivers of the Amazonian Basin. Hydrology and Weathering Processes. Hydrological Processes, 17/1; 17-31(2003).
4) Cesium 137 and the Natural Radioactive Isotopes in the Sediment of Lake Zarzar in Syria 77-92,vol.17, No.1,(2008)
Basic Sciences and Engineering-ABHATH AL-YARMOUK. Refereed Research Journal ,Jordan.
5) Study of the Nuclides of Uranium, Thorium, 210Pb and 137Cs in the Sediments of AL-Room Lake to determine the effect of radioactive pollution in the south- west Syria 117-132, vol.25, No.1,(2009). Damascus University Journal, Syria.
6)Study of some natural and artificial Nuclides in the Sediments of Barada spring Lake (Syria ).In Press at Basic Sciences and Engineering-ABHATH AL-YARMOUK. Refereed Research Journal ,Jordan.